

On this page you will find the disclaimer of shop.dszgmbh.de. In this disclaimer we will explain under which conditions we offer the information on this website.


Intellectual property

The use of the information displayed on this website is free of charge as long as you do not copy, distribute or (ab)use this information. You can only use the information on this website according to the rules of the intellectual property right.


Without explicit permission in writing from the administrator of shop.dszgmbh.de. It is not permitted to use text, images, or any other material from this website. The intellectual property right lies with the administrator of shop.dszgmbh.de


We would like to point out that all trademarks, logo’s, designs, product names, with or without trademark logo, are intellectual property owned by the administrator of this site. Downloading, distributing, adjusting, reusing, duplicating, replacing or any other form of using the material on this website, is unless explicitly stated, prohibited and in conflict with the intellectual property right.


We strive to keep the website as up to date as possible. If, despite the effort to update our website regularly, any information or content of this website is not complete or not correct, we cannot accept accountability.

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